Border Collie Sleeping Habits – How Much Sleep Do They Need?

Photo of a Border Collie Sleeping

Border Collies are very active dogs, and they need plenty of energy. Border Collies will need a lot of sleep in order to be able to do their jobs well while also having enough stamina for the next day’s work.

A Border Collie needs, on average, around 9 hours of sleep every day. Border Collies that are not working Border Collies, but as pets or show dogs, will need less sleep per day.

It is important to consider Border Collie’s sleeping habits and requirements to make sure your Border Collie gets the appropriate amount of sleep. You can read more about Border Collie’s sleeping habits below.

How many hours do border collies sleep per day?

You can expect your Border Collie to spend around 8 hours sleep each night, and then your BC will sleep one more hour throughout the day, making an average total of 9 hours of sleep per day.

How much do a Border Collie puppy sleep?

Border Collie puppies will sleep for an average of 18 to 20 hours per day, which means that the older they get, the less they will sleep.

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How long before a border collie sleeps through the night?

It can take quite a while before a Border Collie sleeps through the night. They usually begin to do this at around 3 to 4 months old before expecting them to sleep for longer than 5 or 6 hours in a row during the night. Remember that your Border Collie needs to get enough sleep, so you should ensure they get this during this time.

How often do border collie puppies wake up?

Border Collies may tend to wake up more frequently than other dogs, especially because of their active nature. You can expect your Border Collie to wake up at least once during the night. Still, they may wake up even more than this, depending on their sleeping habits and what they need to stay happy.

How much do border collies sleep after exercise?

Border Collies will often require a lot of energy for playing or exercising. You can expect a Border Collie to get tired up to two hours after exercising, depending on the intensity of the exercise.

Do Border Collies nap?

Border Collies are more likely to nap during the day rather than at night. You can expect them to nap for around half an hour to an hour each day.

Why is sleep important for your Border Collie? 8 Reasons

Border Collies need a lot of sleep in order to remain happy and active throughout the day. If your Border Collie doesn’t get enough sleep, they may become unhappy and lethargic throughout the day.

1. Better Concentration

Sleep helps your Border Collie concentrate better during the day, especially when there is work to be done. If your dog does not have enough sleep, he may find it hard to focus on tasks or play activities.

2. Better Agility

Your Border Collie will need his agility for jobs such as herding and other types of work they might be used for. If your Border Collie does not get enough sleep, their agility may become slower and more difficult to master.

3. Good Physical Fitness

If your Border Collie doesn’t get enough sleep, their physical activity will suffer, and they could even put on weight. This is because a lack of sleep can cause loss of appetite

4. Muscle Regeneration

Your Border Collie will be using their muscles regularly, and they need time to regenerate. If your Border Collie doesn’t get enough sleep, their muscle regeneration may slow down.

5. Good Health

Sleep is essential for good health throughout the body, especially in regards to maintaining a healthy heart and a strong immune system.

6. Better Mood

Your Border Collie will be in a better mood throughout the day if they get enough sleep at night. If your Border Collie is tired and does not get enough sleep, they may become irritable and unhappy, which could affect their mood throughout the day.

You want your Border Collie to be happy and comfortable throughout their day, and sleep can help with this.

7. No Risk of Depression or Mental Illness

If your Border Collie does not get enough sleep, they can become depressed or suffer from other mental illnesses. This is why it’s important to ensure that your dog gets enough sleep in order for them to remain happy throughout the day.

8. Better Social Interactions

Your Border Collie will be able to interact better with others when they are well-rested. If your dog is tired, they may be more irritable and will not enjoy playtime or dealing with strangers.

Why is my Border Collie sleeping a lot?

It is usual for a Border Collie to sleep more during the day. However, they must still be getting enough exercise and attention from their owners. If your Border Collie is sleeping too much during the day. In that case, this may mean that they are not getting enough activity and exercise.

Do Border Collies dream?

Yes, just like other dogs and humans, Border Collies will dream when in a deep sleep (REM). They usually dream for around 15 minutes at a time.

Do border collies snore?

Border Collies do not usually snore while sleeping, but they will do so if they are unwell. It is important to watch out for the signs of unwellness in your Border Collie and contact a vet if you believe it is necessary.

Do border collies sleep with their eyes open?

It is common for dogs such as Border Collies to sleep with their eyes slightly open. However, it is uncommon for them to sleep with their eyes fully open.

Sleeping Positions for Border Collies

Border Collies like to curl up when sleeping and will often try to find somewhere warm where they can lay down, such as curling up in the duvet or on a pillow. They will often prefer sleeping on their stomach or in a fetal position.

Do border collies sleep more than other dogs?

Border Collies are very active dogs and will sleep for less time each day than other dogs. However, it is normal for them to require more sleep during the night, especially because of their active natures.

Why is my Border Collie not sleeping at night?

If your Border Collie is not sleeping at night, this could be for several reasons. They may have too much energy during the day and cannot calm down enough to sleep at night, or it could be they are having problems with their muscles, feet, or legs. They may need to go potty, or it is also possible that there are noises which are disturbing them or they are too hot or cold.

If your Border Collie is not sleeping at night, it may also be because they are having problems in their living environment. It is important to search for the reason as to why your Border Collie won’t sleep and try to sort it out.

Health Problems that Can Lead to Sleep Issues in Border Collies

There are a number of health problems that can lead to sleep issues in your Border Collie, the most common being arthritis. If your dog is suffering from arthritis, they will experience pain and discomfort during the night, which will make it difficult for them to fall asleep if their arthritis is severe.

Other health problems can lead to sleep issues in your Border Collie, such as obesity, fever, or hypothyroidism.

If you are concerned that your Border Collie is not sleeping due to a health problem, you must contact a vet and make an appointment as soon as possible.

Why is my Border Collie puppy not sleeping at night?

If your Border Collie puppy has not been able to sleep at night, this could be for a number of reasons.

Border Collie puppies do not have good bladder control until they are around 12 weeks old, so it is common for them to wake up during the night because they need to use the toilet.

It may also be because Border Collie puppies are naturally very active and need to have a lot of energy burning to tire themselves out to sleep.

How to increase a Border Collie sleeping time?

Many owners have trouble because their Border Collie keeps waking them up at night. Here are some suggestions that may help you increase your Border Collie sleeping time and for you to get a good nights sleep:

  • Make sure your Border Collie has a comfortable bed to sleep in;
  • Give your Border Collie a little snack before bedtime;
  • Keep a consistent feeding and sleeping schedule;
  • Exercise your Border Collie during the day;
  • Put your Border Collie in a restricted area for sleeping;
  • Make sure your Border Collie gets all the attention it needs throughout the day.

Rough Sleeping Habits for Border Collies

Border Collies often like to sleep on hard surfaces, such as tile or concrete, because they prefer something which can support their weight evenly. However, if the surface they are using is not even, this can lead to them getting sores on their elbows and hips.

What is the best dog bed for a Border Collie?

There are lots of different beds available for dogs, such as Border Collies. You can choose from orthopedic, memory foam, and more. Make sure that you choose one which will last longer and fits in with your home decor.


Border Collies need around 9 hours of sleep every day, and they tend to nap for approximately 1 hour during the day.

You can expect a Border Collie to wake up at least once during the night. Still, they may wake up even more than this, depending on their sleeping habits and what they need in order to stay happy.

Your Border Collie needs to have a comfortable place to sleep and get enough exercise and attention from their owners.

If you follow these guidelines, then your Border Collie should be happy!

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Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.